Sunday, May 11, 2008

End of the School Year Exhibit

Last Wednesday was the end of the year show, for the students that belong to Lina Lanz's Experimental worshop. Being a Wednesday, there were not a lot of people during the inauguration but I think it was set up nicely and as it got later, people started coming in. I will find out a little more on Monday about the comments. Unfortuntely I didn't want to lug my heavy DSLR camera and I took a small point and shoot. I regretted that, after I saw the pictures, but I will post them because the Gallery of Difusion Cultural of the Instituto de Bellas Artes, is a very nice architectural space. Some of these showing in the pictures are mine and others, the work of my other 9 classmates. I wish I had better pictures to show but I might be able to show some later.


~Babs said...

This indeed IS a wonderful space, just from what we see here alone.
And a beautiful redhead,,,be proud, you look great,,,as does your work!
Loved seeing this, Mary, thanks.

Mary said...

Thank you Babs for such an encouraging comment. :)

Billie Crain said...

how exciting, Mary! your work certainly stands out. you look lovely as always. i adore that red hair of yours.;) i can hardly wait to hear what the comments were at the exhibit. you will post them, won't you?

Shayla said...

Mary I'm glad you posted the photos because it gives a sense of scale. I know the smaller the image appears on the internet, the larger it is in real life, but it's easy to forget. I was surprised to see how large your paintings are. I enjoyed them before, but I see there was a missing element in understanding them. At this size they radiate power!

Mary said...

Shayla, thank you for your annotation of the work, it is interesting to know that in a space it shows the power.